I grew up in Davis, California, and I have been swimming since age five. I went to Stanford for undergraduate, where I majored in Art Practice and swam on the Stanford Women's swim team. As an undergraduate, I focused on breadth and learned drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media. Many of my projects included swimmers, water, and reflections. I went to graduate school at UC Davis for an MFA, where I focused on functional apparel design, but also took a range of classes including human-centered design, typography, and textile design. Next, I went to graduate school at UC San Diego for an MBA, where I focused on marketing and supply chain.

ARTIST STATEMENT (6/2017, B.A. Art Practice, Stanford):
Due to its physical nature, water has the ability to reflect its surroundings through distortions. Through my art, I reflect my environment through the lens of my perspective. Reflective surfaces such as water question the representation of spaces by blending the surface reflection with the environment below. I aim to depict the feeling of existing in an underwater environment, submerged in an underwater world. I use drawing as a camera, to record details of my surroundings and give permanence to a moment by immortalizing an image. Starting with photography, I translate images into drawings and paintings.
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